When installing a game, there are two zip files that are required. For best results, we suggest that you save your zip files to your “My Documents” folder. Please do not save them to your desktop as this is a system used location and not a folder.

We used Call of Duty 4 as an example, however, the below applies to ALL multiple Zip downloads.

If the file is a .zip file, use a free, unzip program such as WinRAR (download available below):

Download WinRAR

 Locate the file on your hard drive and double click it to open it with 7-zip or jZip. You will now see the file to install the game, normally called "setup.exe". Double click that file to begin the game installation.

 Once you have both files downloaded, close the Download Manager or your browser's download window.

Open the location where you have saved both zip files:


Create a NEW folder and name it the game's title and setup (e.g., “Call of Duty 4 Setup”):


Extract the contents of the “1 of 2” zip file into your new folder.


If you try to INSTALL the game at this point, you will experience the following error: 



To correct this error, you will need to continue with the extraction process. You will need to extract the second zip file into the same new folder.


Once you have both files extracted into your new folder, you are now ready to install the game. You should have the following files contained in your extraction folder:


Now run the setup.exe file to start the installation of the game.

NOTE: You will require a certain amount of disk space to install the game. For Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare, for example, you will need 8000 MB of disc space.

If you need further assistance from Customer Support, please 